Visit the Oak Park Arts District during Harvest on Harrison to Find Yourself Smiling on Harrison Street! Art from the Smiles Project will be displayed in the windows and some interiors of businesses up and down the District beginning Saturday, October 17th. What’s the Smiles Project? Click HERE for a pdf on how to participate or keep reading!
Masked up and on the street, help us document the project on social media using hashtags #smilesonharrison and #harvestonharrison. Follow the same tags for up to date information on special events businesses are planning.
Harvest on Harrison runs from Saturday, October 17th through Sunday, October 25th. During shop hours or whenever you feel like taking a walk!

Professional and Amateur, ages 2 – 102
From the Oak Park Arts District

For many years, the Oak Park Arts District celebrated every fall with Art on Harrison, an event highlighting the variety of arts represented along the street. Several years ago, we switched gears and created Harvest on Harrison to celebrate not just the arts but the good fortune of all of our thriving businesses. In early 2020, we were hard at work planning our increasingly popular spring festival What’s Blooming on Harrison when everything changed. As we shut down and sheltered in place, we watched our businesses bloom in ways we’d never imagined just to survive. Most of our businesses were able to reopen because of the amazing support shown by customers, clients and friends. We are even welcoming new businesses to the street! We have a reason this fall to celebrate Harvest on Harrison and we want to do it with you and your art. YEAH, YOUR ART!

You support us in so many ways and right now one of the most crucial ways is by wearing a mask when you frequent Harrison Street. You keep yourself healthy, you keep our staffs healthy, you keep our businesses healthy. But… WE MISS YOUR SMILES. And we want to create a public art project that turns that missing feeling upside down.

Mission: Create a masterpiece depicting your smile. A self portrait but maybe just your grin- with braces, with dentures, eating pie, wearing bright red lipstick, definitely flossed. If you’re on a roll, you can create more than one! Sub-mission: Tell all your artist friends because we want tons of art!

Mediums & Materials: Drawn, painted, photographed, screen printed, collaged, crayons, acrylics, pencils, canvas, markers, construction paper, clay, beads, buttons, wood scraps, oils, found objects, macaroni…. No smaller than a postcard, no bigger than a record album. Able to be displayed with tape, by propping, with string or wire, in rare occurrences by someone on a ladder with a hammer and nails.

Site: The windows and counters of the studios, salons, gyms, shops, restaurants, maybe even the dry cleaners of the Oak Park Arts District.

Application: There isn’t one! Everyone’s accepted!

But: Designs must be original with no advertisements, logos or website information on them. Artists may sign their work. Art will be reviewed for Appropriateness to Public Presentation which sounds serious because it is. The artwork becomes the property of the Oak Park Arts District and may be used in marketing.

Schedule: Well, it’s tight but we have full confidence in you. Please deliver your works by Thursday, October 15th, in person or by mail to: Bead in Hand, 145 Harrison Street, Oak Park, IL 60304. 708.848.1761.

Harvest on Harrison begins on Saturday, October 17th. Follow #harvestonharrison, #smilesonharrison for event details. Questions? Email Laurel Wolff at [email protected]